Round bale hay net feeders are known to be a great tool when it comes to reducing hay wastage. We have listed here 5 things you need to consider when buying round bale hay net feeders.
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Gutzbusta Blog Posts
If you haven’t tried using round bale hay nets before, you might be wondering what happens to the excess netting as the horses eat the round bale down. This is one of the most asked questions we receive from our customers. And the answer to that is pretty simple...nothing!
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What about if you don't know what size round bale of hay you will be buying? What if you change round bale hay suppliers and they make a different size? Do you also occasionally use both round bales AND the Large Export Square Bales?
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Horses should spend about 18 to 20 hours a day with access to forage. It is, however, easy to make mistakes when planning for your equine’s dietary needs. Below are the top 7 things you need to avoid when feeding your horses.
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How to put a GutzBusta Hay Net onto a Round bale of hay?
This would be one of our most commonly asked questions as ...
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Environmental Enrichment is highly regarded in the Zoo environment. It is about preventing, eliminating or at leave...
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